This year we’re introducing a new monthly post, Battle of the Books. Battle of the books is when a member of Library House comes into your classroom and reads a page of the two books that the class has to choose from. This month, digital committee presents…
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The 1st Dork Diaries book, Tales From a Not-So-Fabulous Life, is about Nikki introducing herself and telling her story about the guy she likes and how this girl was trying to steal him from her. The page we read for Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Long Haul, (the 9th book) is about how Greg’s mom wants Greg to go outside because it is not natural for a kid like him to stay inside, but Greg obviously does not agree with his mom at all. Most of the classes thought that it was funny that Greg does not want to leave his house and that Nikki is so jealous that the girl Mackenzie was trying to steal her true love Brandon.
One of the third graders said “I choose Dork Diaries because it is challenging to read and I like that.” Another third grader said, “I like Diary of a Wimpy Kid because it has a movie and it explains more.” Most of the third, fourth, and fifth graders said that both of the books are funny, but in the end Diary of a Wimpy Kid won the battle as you can see from the graph.
In my opinion I think that all of the grades voted more for Dairy of a Wimpy Kid because most of the time boys think that Dork Diaries is a “girl book” and Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a “boy book” so they choose Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but a lot of the girls voted for Diary of a Wimpy Kid too. Girls were able to vote for Diary of a Wimpy Kid society has made it able for girls to express themselves, even their inner masculinity. Meanwhile, males haven’t gained the chance to express their interests due to them not having the opportunity and not feeling like they are allowed to.
The fact that there’s a movie for Diary of a Wimpy Kid means kids who don’t like to read can go and watch the movie so that they have the same experience as the people who do read the series.
I’m glad that a lot of the kids in the classes showed that you can choose any book that grabs your attention.
2 replies on “Battle of the books (November)”
I appreciate (so much!) the use of data to inform your post. I also think you selected two thoughtful quotes from the students you interviewed. Finally, your analysis of what may be interpreted as “boy books” versus “girl books” is very interesting. I wonder if you could explore this idea more in future posts. Keep up the thoughtful blogging!
I see that you included a graph showing data results. You did great when showing that their is no thing such as a boy book or a girl book. I have an idea on also using middle school students in this poll too