Who is AC?Β is a comic by Hope Larson. The book has a very unique choice of artwork, the entire book is in black, white ,purple. But I believe this was a very interesting way to illustrate in a comic. I especially like the choice of art work because the color purple only apeer’s when she becomes a superhero, but when she is an average teen age girl the book is comic is in black and white. Lin Buries, your average teenage girl she rides her bike, she goes to a regular high school and has friends she takes a part of a drama class, makes and sells her own zine (A hand crafted magazine). she had a pretty normal life until one day her phone zaps her with superpowers.until her phone zaps her with super powers. It was then when her life took big turn and she was now concidered a superhero.
Even her best friends didn’t know her new secret identity as a superhero. As Lin starts to get comfortable with her powers, her friend who is a blogger, starts calling her AC which stand for “Anonymous Coward.” As Lin is trying to get her name cleared, she has to go against an internet troll. Β she realizes she has to go 1vs1 with a wicked online villain, who spreads its influence through binary code. Can Lin detect the save the day, and restore her reputation?
Reading who is AC?Β made me feel like I could relate to her normal life. For example, she has to attend school, wants to Β dive deeper into her passions of being in a drama club. However, I wasn’t fond of the superhero parts because they seemed too unrealistic, cheesy which made it difficult to read. As much as I’m not a fantasy fan, I believe younger readers might connect more with the book than I could and could become interested in the superhero parts.