Category: Quarantine
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¿Quieres prestar libros en línea durante el tiempo adentro?
En este vídeo te enseñará cómo conectar su tarjeta de la biblioteca pública con Overdrive. También te dará una gira de Overdrive.

During this quarantine a good and fun game to play is Minecraft. Minecraft is a sandbox game by Mojang studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky 3D world where they can discover and extract materials, craft tools, build structures, and can go into combat with computer controlled mobs. (Read more on Wikipedia.)
In mine craft there are different modes you can play on. These modes are survival, creative, adventure, spectator, and hardcore. I honestly prefer creative because in creative, you have access to every item and in an unlimited amount, so you don’t need to collect or mine items.

Minecraft can be played on many devices. This game can be played on any smartphone, xbox 360, PS3, Wii u, PS4, and Xbox One. Minecraft is not a difficult game even though it may seem at first. Its difficult at first because you could be struggling with the combat or with the exploration, but after you play for a while you will get comfortable with the map and the building process.

June 2nd-June 16th, the NYC DOE is hosting a Minecraft challenge for students in remote learning. It’s open to all students, but you must have a DOE student account (
For more info, visit
To conclude, I think this is a very enjoyable game. Minecraft is a fun game because in minecraft you can build your imagination. I would recommend this game for every age. This is a very good way to spend time during quarantine if you’re bored.
For a good Minecraft starter guide, visit these tutorials:
Rainbow Spiral
Are you bored during the quarantine? Have you thought of making origami? Well this is one idea to get entertained while in your house.
Here’s how it will look like once you have completed it:

Materials you will need are…
- White or Colored Paper
- Scissors
- Markers or any way to color something (optional)
So, first things first you will need to cut your paper into four equal parts.

Then you cut the lines and you’ll get 4 equal pieces.

Now, you can color them if you want, but just one side since it won’t show the other side.
Then you are going to fold it like a triangle.

Cut the white part at the bottom of your triangle turning your paper into a square.

Now you are going to unfold it and fold it from top to bottom…
If you see in the image above you can see that there is a crease in the middle. Fold it in half again that will help you in the next step.
Now you are going to have the color that you picked facing towards you.

Fold the top to the bottom showing the white part of the paper.

This is where the base start to show its true self.
You will ONLY use ONE side of the paper not BOTH. You are going to use the paper facing you. The opening is up and the crease is down. Fold one corner down to the center.

Now fold the left corner down so they mirror each other. Let’s name this side A. Flip the whole paper over top to bottom so that the opening is below and the crease is on top.

Now that there is only one flap of paper to fold, you are going to take the upper right corner to the middle, just like the image below…

You will do the same to the other side…

This is the second to last step…
There are two side that have triangles. One is the first one we did which has a form of a pouch and the second is one that is stuck to the page. One sides A and the one we just did is side B.We are going to use the one that has a POUCH form…

This next part is tricky, you are going to turn to side B. In the side B you can see that there is a small pouch that you can put your finger inside.
You are going to pull the pouch as much as you can Not hard or soft, but just grab onto the paper behind the pouch and try to pull it away once it’s done it will look like this… 12

Now for the connecting part to make it look like the spiral, you’ll need to repeat all the steps from above to make more than 40, in order to make the full circle.
This part might get hard so I’ve made a video to show you guys this final step…
Now once you completed the step of connecting all the pieces together, you can connect it to make a full circle
And finally, Congrats you completed “The Rainbow Spiral” now you can show are quarantine buddies that you have back pain and wasted your time on something beautiful.
Making Mexican Bread
(ft. My Mom)
During this Quarantine, my mother saw some videos on YouTube of how to bake conchas. So… we made conchas one evening and they turned out very good…

Ingredients for the dough
(yields 8 conchas)
- 2 cups flour/ 2 tazas de harina
- 2 ounces sugar/ 2 onzas de azucar
- 3/4 ounce of yeast/ 3/4 de onza de levadura
- 2 ounces margarine/ 2 onzas de margarina
- 2 eggs/ 2 huevos
- 3/4 cup of milk/ 3/4 taza de leche
- Pinch of salt/ Pizca de sal
- Vanilla and cinnamon/ Vainilla y canela
Ingredients for the topping
*Make separately*
- 1 cup flour/ 1 taza de harina
- 1/2 cup sugar/ 1/2 taza de azucar
- One full bar vegetable shortening/ Una barra de mantequilla vegetal
Making the Dough
(You’ll need lots of space to make the dough!)
First place down the 2 cups of flour on your workspace. Add the flour, sugar, and the yeast together. Mix the dry ingredients evenly.
Then you add the wet ingredients together.

Once your things are there all together, you are going to mix it together.

Once you are done, put it inside a big bowl and let it rest for 40 mins. When you’re done it will start to rise up. Leave it somewhere warm to help it rise.

It will end up fluffy and thick.

After 40 Mins, take whatever tray you want and start making them into eight small balls and place them on the tray.

Once you put your dough balls in the tray, let them rest and let them rise a little bit more. You will now start with the paste that goes on top.
Making the paste
Put all the ingredients from above together and start mixing it all together. Until it sticks together…

Now that both main things are completed we will put them together to make our conchas.
Take your paste and cut a small ball, then roll out the ball into a flat thin circle, and cover the dough with the paste.
Use a knife to cut the paste a little bit but not the dough. Then leave it somewhere so it can get bigger again… It will look like the picture below. For best results, leave it to rest with the paste for 30 mins.

Once your dough looks like that the picture above, put your oven to preheat at 350°F and when it’s hot bake your conchas for 15 mins and then take it out. You will notice it will come out golden brown.

They are ready to eat with a hot drink! But be careful because it’s still hot. I hope your results are as good as mine!
Storyline Online!!!
Sit back and enjoy as your favorite actors read you a book. Listen to old favorites by David Shannon, Patricia Polacco, Kevin Henkes, or William Steig, or treat yourself to something new!
I hope you enjoy this tutorial of how you get to Storyline Online, let me know how it works! Below are a few recommended titles from Ms. Marla to get you started.

Hula Dancing
No Girls Allowed!
Ever wanted to be a Hawaiian hula dancer with the leaf skirt? For men, this might not be so easy.
The Hula dance is commonly believed to be a feminine dance that involves swaying your hips and moving your hands in the shapes of pretty little flowers. But, what if I told you that the first Hula dancers were men?
In ancient Hawaii, men founded the strong but graceful Hula dance. Hawaiian Chiefs used to come and watch the advanced male hula dancers, and some were even chosen to become warriors. Today, Ke Kai O Kahiki—one of Hawaii’s most famous male hula schools—uses the dance of their ancestors to tell the stories of these strong and fierce warriors, and what better way to tell the story of one, than by training like one.

To learn more about how these fierce warriors of Hula trained like their warrior ancestors—going as far as climbing coconut trees—watch this minidocumentary, then see what else GreatBigStory has to offer!

One of my favorite games to play during quarantine is NBA 2K. If you’re asking what that is NBA 2K, it’s a series of high resolution basketball sport simulations. In this game you can play as any historical or current NBA team against any team you want. You could also play as any player if you choose to play in the blacktop mode, and if you don’t want to do any of that you can even make your own player and develop him throughout his NBA career.

NBA 2K20
Every year a new version of the game comes out worldwide. There is a version of the game for each year so for example NBA 2K 17 was made in 2017. Same for all the other games.
NBA2K20 is not very difficult but it does take time to learn how to play. Also every player is different and has different jumpshots, animations, and size. In this game players are based off overalls so you could know how good they are. For example if a player is 66 overall they’re not good, but if a player is a 96 overall they’re amazing. The highest overall you could be is a 99. If you want to be very good at the game you should get comfortable with a lot of players and not just one.

Offensive Controls
Action | Xbox One | PS4 |
Regular Pass | A | X |
Bounce Pass | B | O |
Overhead Pass | Y | △ |
Shoot | X | ▢ |
Call Play | LB | L1 |
Icon Pass | RB | R1 |
Post Up | LT | L2 |
Sprint | RT | R2 |
Move Player | Left Joystick | Left Joystick |
Pro Stick | Right Joystick | Right Joystick |
Defensive Controls
Action | XBox One | PS4 |
Player Swap | A | X |
Take Charge | B | O |
Block/Rebound | Y | △ |
Steal | X | ▢ |
Double Team | LB | L1 |
Icon Swap | RB | R1 |
Intense-D | LT | L2 |
Sprint | RT | R2 |
Move Player | Left Joystick | Left Joystick |
Overall, I recommend you play this game if you like sports like basketball. This is a very good way to spend time during quarantine if you’re bored.